
Vadászálmok birodalmában (Hunting Dreams)- 2000
Béla Hidvégi – a Hungarian businessman born in 1936 – left Hungary and the Agricultural Academy of Keszthely, where he was a student, in 1956. He continued his studies in England where he received his diploma as a food industry engineer. For many decades he lived abroad. A few years ago he made his home once again in Hungary. He brought with him the peerless collection of trophies from his hunting trips, and he has graciously donated this collection to the Natural History Museum of Hungary. The stories of the trophies, the battles, the excitement, the ordeals demanding all of his person, and the exceptional success stories hace never yet been disclosed to the readers.
The true value of the trophies that can be seen on the walls – which are for a hunter the same as a gold medal for an athlete – can hardly be truly understood by an aoutsider. The only person who can really relate the stories of the trophies is the man who acquired them himself. Here the reader can find the stories of Béla Hidvégi’s gilded sporting guns, his eighty pound elephant tusks, the large-maned lion, the mysterious bongo, the situtunga hiding int he deep marshes of Africa, the dwarf buffalo, the Marco Polo ram at home int he empire of eternal snow and ice, the giant moose of Alaska, the grizzly bear, and many, many more fantastic animals, all rare and unique in their own way.
Relive the adventure through the eyes of the hunter himself!
Vadászként a csúcsokon I-II. – (As a Hunter on the Peaks) – 2006

Sziklák peremén (On the Precipice) – 2012

“Hegyen Innen, Hegyen Túl (Beyond the Mountains)” – 2014.
Most of my life as a hunter has been spent on the edge of cliffs and mountain ledges. But those mountains, I’m beginning to feel, have suddenly become very distant, their world whisked away from me in the constantly whipping, piercing wind, whisked so far away I can barely see them now….
When I was working on my book “On the Cliff Edge,” which only deals with my experiences hunting in the mountains, I realized something which surprised me. I hadn’t written anything about the many other hunts I had gone on. As far as I could remember, I’d been on some 45 hunting trips apart from the mountain hunts, some easy, some more difficult, and these needed to be recorded. Of course, I’ve continued hunting since I wrote this book, those stories still remain unwritten.